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Through Benedict, we want to share with you the best we could find. Our commitment to comfort and quality has driven us to build Benedict to the highest standards, and our love of art has filled the walls with treasures.

Committed to quality

Benedict celebrates the work of craftsmen and the superior quality they produce. We are determined to put comfort at the centre of everything – our spaces are designed to nurture balance and quality of life, and our guests are treated to the best of everything, from bespoke furniture and natural materials to our handpicked collection of amenities.
Art & Artists

A creative obsession

Benedict believes a good place to stay is one that can spark delight and engage curiosity; a place that pleases the eye and challenges the intellect. Art is indispensable in this mission. Benedict’s ever changing, growing collection of artworks aims to touch your senses, and offers artists a sophisticated new audience (yes, that’s you). From abstract paintings to provocative photography, there’s something here for everyone.


Health & sustainability

At Benedict our love and care for guests’ happiness and health goes hand in hand with that for the environment. We operate under environmental and sustainable policies, aiming to reduce our ecological footprint and enlargen our social impact. To reduce plastic and guarantee a 100% non-toxic environment, we clean with Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO®), a process of oxidation using only cold tap water and oxygen to attack organic matter killing up 99.9% of germs.
Every apartment at Benedict is equipped with a superior, sustainable air treatment system ensuring a flow of fresh air straight from the great outdoors. Both buildings have been fitted with a state of the art heat pump, reaching 150 meters deep into the earth to provide all apartments individually with responsive heating ánd cooling on demand. In addition, solar panels and triple glazing ensure that the building achieves the highest degree of sustainability.